2 Intended use of Scrum document types

Here is a short hierarchical overview of the document types with their intended usage..

Customers & Members
Customers are stand alone entries in the administrative level of Scrum. They hold a number of internal and external people that work in the customer projects.

A project is the box that holds it all together and defines the basic options. Iterations, user stories, tasks and bugs all belong to a project

Iterations can be described as subprojects or project stages. Projects are delivered to the customer in a stepwise way called iterations. With each iteration the customer gets a new productive version of the software.
Iterations consist of a set of user stories, which have been bundled by priority and/or technical and functional relationship.

User stories
User stories describe a specification of the project from the end user's perspective, in the user's language, short and clear. User stories always belong to a project and may be assigned to an iteration.

Tasks & Bugs
Tasks and bugs are at the hierarchical bottom. A tasks is a single doing item of a user story, a bug is a single problem item of a project or user story. They belong to a single project, optionally they may be assigned to a user story within the project. Tasks describe the steps required to develop a project feature and are dealt with by project managers. Bugs allow testers or customers to report problems.